
AI Blockchain that Adapts to You

Sound decentralized development and governance is solved.


Unleash The Power of Adaptive AI

Meet Tau Net and its token Agoras ($AGRS). The only Layer 1 AI blockchain and tokenomics that adapt to you, synthesized from the collective requirements of the entire user base, powered by our logical AI.

Create AI profiles (Worldviews) that hold your personal set of requirements. These are synthesized as Software which the network and tokenomics adapt to, enabling individualized DApps, Agents and more.

Solving Blockchain

True Decentralization and Governance

Most blockchains claim to be decentralized but have a centralized development team, or governance mechanisms that don’t allow true participation by every community member. Tau Net is the first blockchain capable of becoming everything its users collectively want it to be.

Collective Creation and Intelligence

Current social systems lack true collective intelligence due to the inability to reason over shared knowledge. Tau Net holds a future in which knowledge has maximum potential because its AI is able to logically connect human knowledge at large scale to solve incredible problems, and users will simply be able to collectively and rapidly develop dApps, Agents and system components in collaborative groups using its mechanized logical reasoning over software requirements.

Better Software and Applications for All

Software is built for end-users, yet users rarely have influence in the software that gets developed. Current programming languages often exclude non-technical users, often leaving them to tolerate bugs and exploits. Tau Net changes everything by giving users direct input into how the software functions, with no uncertainty about the outcome. All user requirements on Tau Net function as correct-by-construction working software, ensuring users get exactly what they describe.

Compare Us
Better than the Rest

Fully decentralized and governed by all users

Evolves through collective intelligence, leveraging shared knowledge

Smart contracts are secure and accurate through logical reasoning

Adaptive tokenomics, updated in real-time by user consensus

Guarantees bug-free software that meets all user requirements

AI is capable of powerful logical reasoning and machine learning

Developer or miner-controlled decision-making

Lacks true collective intelligence; highly limited user input

Smart contracts prone to bugs and exploits

Fixed tokenomics with limited adaptability

Minimal user influence; frequent bugs and exploits

Any AI capabilities are not able to do logical reasoning


Testnet will demo Tau Net’s logical AI engine reasoning over your requirements and adapting to the specifications and collective governance rules, in a consistently correct manner from block to block.

Launch Phase 1

Define block validity on Phase 1 Testnet, which will demo our method of futuristic democracy on a lightweight Blockchain that adapts to user requirements.

Future Phases

Get involved in Testnet development in the future Testnet Phases. They focus on creating the initial ruleset, DApps & Contracts for its AI infrastructure. Aide us by testing new features and building products on each Phase release, making the transition to Mainnet seamless.

Click on the photo to see it in full screen mode.

Testnet Genesis Diagram


Transactions on the Tau Net blockchain initially contain coin transfer orders and new requirement proposals.

Generally, transactions are tuples of Boolean algebra elements, e.g. Boolean functions, finite bit strings, Tau formulas, tables, or elements of any Boolean algebra supported by Tau. Initially, as above, the chain looks only at the first two elements of these tuples.

The tuples are then assembled as a table in a new proposed block. From there, coin transfer orders and new rule proposals follow two different paths.

Requirement Proposals

New requirements follow a different path; all new requirements in a block are conjuncted together, and this makes the part that everyone agrees on, denoted by “psi(Ψ)”.
In a third step, the “Agreed New Requirement Ψ” is fed to the “Update Built-in” output stream (having access to the rules at time T), which performs the Pointwise Revision procedure to produce the new requirement at time T+1.

Coin Transfers

The coin transfer part of the transactions is expressed as “local deltas,” which are a table of addresses and amounts to transfer from each (positive or negative) transaction.

The local deltas are then summed by address to form the “Global delta”, which gives the net balance change for each address. Finally, the global delta is summed up with the current balances table, resulting in a new balances table. During the Balance Verification step, if any of the new balances are found to be negative, the entire proposed new block is rejected.

The New State

Finally, the new balances table at time T+1 and the new rules at time T+1 form the new state at time T+1. The new rules at time T+1 will govern the calculation of the state at time T+2. 

Intelligent Everything

Visualize billions of applications, AI Agents, scientific knowledge, information and a global economy, automatically adapting to their individual stakeholders needs, and autonomously collaborating, on a network that adapts to the collective userbase. Tau Net will be much more powerful than today’s internet.

AI Tokenomics That Adapt to You

Agoras ($AGRS) is Tau Net’s AI token. Its Tokenomics adapt to the collective requirements of users and agents, evolving to facilitate a global economy. Trade human knowledge, RWA’s and; financial, digital and computational assets.



None, Fixed Supply

* The current $AGRS token is an intermediary token, there will be a swap to its Mainnet token after Mainnet is complete.



None, Fixed Supply

* The current $AGRS token is an intermediary token, there will be a swap to its Mainnet token after Mainnet is complete.

Get Agoras Tokens

AI Profiles

Forget static user profiles. Worldviews are AI knowledgebase’s that hold your requirements that Tau Net and its DApps adapt to and reason over, integrating your knowledge and assets into the ecosystem.

Build AI smart contracts, automate deal-matching, collaborate and logically connect knowledge, from requirements that incorporate your Worldview.

Worldview-icon-2 copy

Connect your Worldview with Apps

Control how your knowledge and assets are accessible in the network. Earn with pay-for-access contracts, or keep your knowledge private.


Truly Decentralized

Adaptive DeAI

Evolve Tau Net’s AI blockchain by giving requirements for what you want it to be. The entire Tau Net ecosystem is able to continuously adapt to the collective requirements of the users, updating block-to-block.

Logical AI Governance

Reveal a global opinion map showing agreement and disagreement across all discussion and governance requirements, enabling Tau Net to adapt to what’s agreed on, removing the need to explicitly vote.

Governance FAQ

How does everyone agree on updates?

Requirements given by users already function as software. Collectively, they make an “agreed specification” that Tau Net adapts to. The definition of “agreed” is fluid, allowing for a uniquely evolving configuration, where functionality and governance is collaboratively sculpted by the entire community. Be notified if updates don’t occur due to disagreement, so the rules for updating or the proposed feature, can change.

What can governance look like on Tau Net?

Everyone can give requirements for governance rules and conditions for these rules to change. Create rules with deep complexity and Tau Net will adapt to them. E.g. A rule that users with certain domain-knowledge are elected to decide parts of Tau Net’s behaviour, with automatic removal if they act against community values.

How will Tau Net stop 51% attacks, bots or a dictator?

To prevent bot attacks, 51% attacks, and dictatorship risks, users can collectively implement governance rules that prevent such a takeover from happening. For example, for a 51% attack to happen, the rules to allow for that would have to be put in place first by the users collectively, e.g. unchecked majority voting by the entire user base. Our patented “Method and System for Arbitrary Attestation to Anonymous Internet Users” enables users to decide that certain governance decisions may only be undertaken by authenticated users, further preventing bots or malicious actors from manipulating the system.

How will we be able to prevent malicious outcomes?

Users are able to decide on positive and negative global statements that affect the entire system, e.g. “Never send private data over the network”. Tau’s logical AI engine ensures that these statements, once agreed upon by the collective user base, are guaranteed to be met with 100% accuracy according to users’ descriptions and adhered to across all future versions of Tau Net unless changed by community consensus.

Will the Tau Net team create all the rules?

Tau Net’s first rules are created by its first users. Which is why Testnet is a crucial chrysalis state, where you, the users, have significant direct input into forming its foundation and metamorphosis to Mainnet.

Road to Decentralized AI

Imagine a world where knowledge and information e.g. scientific research and books, connect together, instantly uncovering new discoveries and solving complex problems by logical reasoning.

Watch collective intelligence emerge on Tau Net as its knowledge base grows, combining all human brain power.

Smart Agents & Contracts

Get ready for a global economy with interoperable AI agents, DApps & smart contracts that adapt to you.

Adaptive AI Contracts

Create smart contracts and AI agents that can interact and reason over all data and assets on Tau Net. Their adaptive enables them to self-modify in response to scenarios, data and new requirements. Build them from requirements in our no-code development process, Software as Sentences™.

Secure AI Contracts

Synthesize Smart contracts with zero bugs according to requirements. Use AI to ask questions about a contract’s behaviour to ensure it works as desired. Tau Net contracts use Tau Language’s decidable formal specification & reasoning for predictive security.


Agent: Super Trader

Tau Broker excels at getting you the best deals across Tau Net, finding the path from the assets and knowledge to the assets you want. Tau Broker instantly handles deal-to-deal chains, automatically creating and executing smart contracts that align with your desires and ethical standards captured in your Worldview.

Super Social

A key component of Tau Net is enabling mass-scale understanding between its users. It is capable of supporting the first million+ person concurrent discussion where everyone understands everyone.

Understand & Speak to Everyone

Develop Tau Net without scaling friction. Discover the agreements and disagreements in the opinions across the entire platform and compare how users think using their Worldviews. Tau Net automatically processes any collaborative decision arising from discussions, scaling the network exponentially and effortlessly.

Discover Your People

Instantly identify members suitable for your DAO based on their knowledge, interests, ethics and assets. Tau Net will highlight users that possess the solution to your problem without you having to explicitly search for them.

Semantic Search

Search beyond keywords. Searching for answers on Tau Net will return personalized results based on your knowledge and the information captured in your Worldview.

Road to Decentralized AI

Tau Net Mainnet
Enabling a fully user-controlled decentralized ecosystem and set the scene for the future of blockchain applications.
Projected Release - TBD post Testnet
Tau Net Testnet
A minimalistic yet significant proof of concept that will empower users to define block validity, exemplifying true decentralization. Testnet phase will include extensive testing of user implemented rules along with additional features that are added over time, setting the stage for the fully capable, user-controlled Mainnet.
In Development
Tau Language Alpha Release
Release of a minimalistic Tau Language Alpha implementation, video presentation of the simple Tau Programs, Tau Language explanation, and its abilities.
November 2024
Tau Language
Completed NSO language with recurrence relations.
Prof. Paweł Parys joins the Team as a Scientific Advisor
Prof. Paweł Parys is a scientist from Poland with a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Warsaw. His research focuses on automata theory, extensions of finite automata, and connections between logics and automata. He has significant contributions to theoretical computer science and programming.
June 2022
Tau Language Research
Enhancing NSO with a time dimension, making it suitable for software specification. It is a novel and groundbreaking software specification logic, but also an important scientific breakthrough in the project, marking the finalization of all research advancements required for the project.
May 2022
Earley Parser Implementation
- Accessible Parsing
Tau team developed a high-performance parser based on the Earley parsing algorithm in March 2022, enhancing its capabilities for parsing context-free languages and beyond.
March 2022
The language NSO
The most important scientific breakthrough in the project so far. It solves problems raised in the whitepaper in a much more robust way, in particular a novel and groundbreaking method to extend languages with the ability to deal with their own sentences and their truth value as any other objects, while preserving consistency and decidability.
May 2021
Prof. Enrico Franconi joins the Team as a Scientific Advisor
Prof. Enrico Franconi is a professor in knowledge representation databases. His research focuses on applying database, artificial intelligence, and semantic technologies to information systems design, data integration, and ontology modeling. He provides valuable research advice to Tau’s technical developments, further strengthening the project’s scientific foundation.
November 2020
TML IDE Initial Release
- Empowering the Community
The release of the TML IDE in Q3-2020 empowered Tau’s community to explore and experiment with the Tau Meta-Language, fostering collaboration and innovation.
Full Design Published in an Updated Whitepaper
- A Comprehensive Design Blueprint
Tau shared its complete design in Q3-2020 through an updated whitepaper, providing a comprehensive blueprint for the project’s development.
Maturity of Basic TML
- P-Datalog Engine based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)
In Q1-2019, Tau reached a significant milestone with the maturity of basic TML. This included the development of a P-Datalog engine, forming some of the technological core of Tau.
Demonstrating Basic Consensus Calculation
- Core Feature of Tau Showcased
Tau’s progress in Q4-2019 included the development of a Tau bot that demonstrated basic consensus calculation using logical engines we developed, highlighting a core feature of the project and our ability to build industry-level logical solvers.
Tau V2.0 Design and Scalable Discussions
- Adding Consensus Mechanism
In the period from Q3-2016 to Q4-2017, Tau underwent significant development, resulting in the Tau V2.0 design. During this phase, Tau improved its consensus mechanism and scalable discussions, making it feature-complete, as well as fixing substantial mistakes in the old design, most notably abandoning Nomic and type theory, in favor of classical logic and a novel large-scale consensus method.
AGRS Private Sale
- The Project’s Early Funding Phase
The mid-2010s witnessed Tau’s AGRS Private Sale, securing initial funding for the project’s visionary goals.
Q2-2015 to Q3-2017
The Birth of Tau V1.0
- The Beginning of a Revolutionary Project
Tau’s journey began in the first quarter of 2015 with the publication of the Tau V1.0 Whitepaper. This marked the birth of a visionary project that aimed to redefine blockchain by using a decidable logical language. It was based on the game Nomic as well as type theory as the logical foundation.