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Copyright © 2025 – IDNI. All rights reserved.
Last modified: May 06th, 2022
Welcome to Tau-Chain!
1.1. Thanks for using our website (the “Website”). The Website is provided by and is property of Intelligent Decentralized Networks Initiatives AG, (“IDNI AG”, the “Company” or “our”, “we”, “us”), located at Landstrasse 36, 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein (register-no.: FL-0002.634.410-8), duly incorporated as a limited company under the laws of Liechtenstein. These terms and conditions (the “Terms) apply to any access to, or use of, any services made available by us to users (the “User” or “you”), including the Website and other services offered through the Website.
1.2. By using our Webite, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these Terms including all policies incorporated by reference into these Terms), each as may be modified from time to time. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree to them, please stop using our services or accessing our Website.
1.3. These Terms are a legally binding contract between You, the User, and Us, the Company, IDNI AG applying to and governing Your use of Our services and the Website.
1.4. These Terms incorporate, and you hereby confirm that you have received the Terms and acknowledge their content (including for the avoidance of doubt: any policies, notices, procedures, specifications, FAQs, guides and guidelines that are provided or made available to you, appear on our Website or are referenced in these Terms and which we may modify from time to time by giving notice of the amendments and the updated Terms via email, the Website or the services or any other means of giving such notice. By clicking on an “I Agree” button or checkbox presented with the modified Terms, or by continuing to access or use of the services, you signify your consent and confirm your agreement to the modified Terms. Any amended Terms will become effective immediately after such acceptance by you. If you do not agree to any modification to these Terms, you must stop using the services.
1.5. The place of performance of any services under these Terms is Liechtenstein. You take note of and acknowledge that services are performed in their entirety in Liechtenstein. Furthermore, you confirm that you have become aware of the services of Company because of your interest in the blockchain technology and corresponding projects and that you have approached Company directly in order to initiate any business with Company.
1.6. Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please review our Privacy Policy in order to better understand our commitment to maintaining your privacy, as well as our use and disclosure of your Information to which you are consenting.
1.7. In these Terms, references to “includes,” “including,” “including but not limited to,” “including without limitation” and words or phrases of similar import shall be deemed to have the same meaning and the words “includes(s)” and “including” shall not be deemed to be terms of limitation but rather be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation.”
1.8. This Preamble forms an integral part of these Terms and is of binding nature.
2.1. To be eligible for our services, you must register for an account (once such service is provided) and you must:
2.2. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information and documentation about you, your identity and location in connection with creating an account (once such service is provided) for identity verification and other screening procedures; keep your account information updated at all times; immediately notify us if you change your country of residency or if any other information previously provided to us changes
2.3. You may use the Website as well as any services (once provided), solely in accordance with these Terms and their intended use.
2.4. You may not use the Website or services to conduct, pay for or facilitate activities that:
3.1. IDNI AG is creating and developing “Tau” – a decentralized social platform that uses the so-called Agoras Token (virtual asset) which does not qualify as a financial instrument or e-money pursuant to Liechtenstein law. The Agoras Token is not offered or sold by IDNI AG but it is listed on various exchanges for virtual assets where it may be purchased. IDNI AG also won’t offer Agoras Tokens in the future, but it may be placed through registered or licensed exchanges. IDNI AG is in no way connected with such actions or virtual assets of third parties.
3.2. Services and products related to the Tau network are still in development, are subject to change and are not available for use at current, especially not by using the Agoras Token in any way (e.g., as means of consideration in lieu of payment).
3.3. IDNI may display network statistics with regard to Tau, displaying market volume, market cap, price in AGRS/USD and holders. In order to display such charts, IDNI AG directly draws data from the TAU network. IDNI AG does not calculate or do any computations with regard to the price or value of virtual assets (based on specific buy and sell orders) on its own.
3.4. The Agoras Token does not comply with US regulations, therefore, if you are located in or you are a citizen, resident or tax resident or otherwise tax liable person of the USA, you are not eligible to purchase or use Agoras Tokens.
4.1. You are solely responsible for your use of any external account or an account you opened with a third party, and you agree to comply with all terms applicable to any external account. IDNI AG is not responsible for any external account, for any fees charged in connection with such account or for the management and security of any external account. If your external account is subject to a breach, you understand this is outside of IDNI AG’s control and responsibility and you may only seek damages from the external account provider based on your agreement with them.
5.1. In case we use user website registrations or generating accounts, the relevant privacy policies will be exacted together with the issuing of the respective product and those policies shall be introduced herewith either directly as modifications of this document or as separate documents on the Website, or supplied together with a downloadable product of ours.
5.2. We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminate non-IDNI AG content display according to the relevant legislation or decisions. Once we run services and users accounts we will suspend and terminate such in case of copyright or privacy infringements, as well as the functional complaints system shall be put in place for accepting, review and responding on submitted notifications.
5.3. You acknowledge and agree that any notice or other information or communications has to be in written form (also electronically, e.g., by e-mail, SMS or through the Website, etc). It is your responsibility to keep your contact details on file with IDNI AG up to date so that we can communicate with you electronically (once registration or account services are provided). If IDNI AG sends you an electronic communication but you do not receive it because your email address or mobile phone number on file is incorrect, out of date, blocked by your service provider, or you are otherwise unable to receive electronic communications, IDNI AG will be deemed to have provided the communication or notice to you. Please note that if you use a spam filter that blocks or re-routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you must add IDNI AG to your email address book so that you will be able to receive the communications we send to you. You can update your email address, mobile phone number, or street address at any time through our Contact page.
6.1. Software distributed by us and/or on our website will be supplied with a corresponding license.
6.2. If certain software is part of specific website accessible services of ours or comprise special case of license regime, the specific software will go together with its applicable terms and conditions by way of modification of this document or by referring with it to separate relevant documents.
6.3. You may submit questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, original or creative materials or other information about IDNI AG or our services to us (collectively, “Feedback”). Feedback is non-confidential and will become the sole property of IDNI AG. IDNI AG will own exclusive rights, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights, in and to such Feedback and will be entitled to the unrestricted use and dissemination of this Feedback for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you.
6.4. We have a policy of limiting access to our services and terminating the access of users who infringe the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that anything associated with the services infringe any copyright that you own or control, you may notify via the “Contact” page on our website.
6.5. IDNI AG’s services and Website are the copyrighted technology of IDNI AG and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, outside of the intended use. IDNI AG retains all its rights related to its databases, websites, graphics, software, applications, programs, code, etc. -– including chat text, the content of IDNI AG’s emails, and data – developed or provided by IDNI AG or its affiliates. IDNI AG may demand any third party stop using IDNI AG’s services for any purposes not authorized by IDNI AG.
6.6. The IDNI AG logo, any other IDNI AG service names, logos or slogans that may appear on our services, and the look and feel of the services, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts, are trademarks, service marks or trade dress of IDNI AG and our suppliers and our licensors, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our or the applicable trademark holder’s prior written permission. You may not use any metatags or other “hidden text” utilizing any name, trademark or product or service name of IDNI AG without our prior written permission. Further, you may not use, frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any IDNI AG trademark, logo or other proprietary information, including the images found on the services, the content of any text or the layout or design of any page, or form contained on a page, on the services without our express written consent.
6.7. During the term of these Terms, you may use the IDNI Materials only for your internal purposes and solely as necessary for your use of the services as authorized by us. “IDNI Materials” include any software (including without limitation developer tools, sample source code, and code libraries), data, materials, technology, content and printed and electronic documentation used, displayed or developed and provided by us to you in connection with our Website or services. You may not, and may not attempt to, directly or indirectly:
6.8. Our services may include areas that allow Users to create, post, upload, share or store content, including, but not limited to, photos, videos, sound, text, graphics, code, items or other information and materials. You are solely responsible for any of such content and for your use of any interactive features and areas of the services. You will not create, post, share or store content that:
6.9. We do not control or endorse any such content that is transmitted, stored, or processed via the services or the Website by you. We are not responsible or liable for any of your content. Although we have no obligation to screen, edit or monitor any such content of you, we reserve the right, and have absolute discretion, to remove, screen or edit your content posted or stored through the services at any time and for any reason.
7.1. The term of these Terms is indefinite. The Terms may be terminated by either party at any given time by giving notice. The right of extraordinary termination for important reasons remains reserved. Upon termination by either party, you may not use the services any longer. We will then close your account (once such service is provided). Any provision of these Terms that naturally ought to survive shall survive termination (e.g., fees, if applicable). In particular the provisions of these Terms survive termination to the extent and for so long as we require to deal with the closure of your account (once such service is provided) and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
7.2. In particular in the event of changes in the legal and regulatory framework, changes to market practices or changes affecting us otherwise, we may at any time amend, delete or add to these Terms by giving notice of such Change by posting a revised version of Terms on our website or notifying you by other means. We will give you notice of any change with the change taking effect and you will be deemed to have accepted the change if you have not objected to the change. Giving notice will not apply where a change is required by law or relates to the addition of a new service, extra functionality to the existing service or any other change which neither reduces your rights nor increases your responsibilities. In such instances, the change will be made without prior notice to you and shall be effective immediately. If you do not agree to a change or object a change of Terms, you may no longer use or access our services.
7.3. If you do not accept a change, you may close your account (once such service is provided). Please note that you may still be liable to us after you terminate these Terms for any liabilities you may have incurred and are responsible for prior to terminating these Terms.
8.1. This section only applies to Users who are consumers and only once services are provided which might be withdrawn from.
8.2. The User takes note that the consumer Protection law, in particular the Consumer Protection Act of Liechtenstein (Konsumentenschutzgesetz or “KSchG”) stipulates in its Article 4 that a consumer has the right to withdraw from an agreement with a company without giving reasons within fourteen (14) days, beginning the day after their accepting the agreement, if the consumer’s contractual declaration was not made in rooms used by the company for business purposes.
8.3. The User also takes note that, pursuant to Article 12 of the Distance Selling Act of Liechtenstein (Fern- und Auswärtsgeschäfte-Gesetz or “FAGG”), a consumer has the right to withdraw from any contract agreed with a company at distance or off-premises (e.g., online) without giving reasons within fourteen (14) days, beginning the day after conclusion of the contract.
8.4. The right to withdrawal from these Terms pursuant to the KSchG is inter alia not applicable to the User as a consumer if: (i) the User has initiated the business relationship with IDNI AG for the purpose of concluding these Terms (Art 4 para 3 lit a KSchG); (ii) the conclusion of these Terms was not preceded by discussions between the parties or their agents (Art 4 para 3 lit b KSchG); (iii) the Terms are subject to the Distance Selling Act (FAGG) (Art 4 para 3 lit d KSchG).
8.5. The User takes note that they have no right to withdraw from any service stipulated in these Terms pursuant to the KSchG, as the Distance Selling Act (FAGG) is applicable.
8.6. The User takes note that according to Art 19 para 1 lit a FAGG the consumer shall not have the right to withdraw from distance or off-premises contracts for services, if the business or commercial user – based on an explicit request of the consumer as well as the knowledge of the consumer of the loss of the right of withdrawal in case of complete fulfillment of the contract – had started to perform the service before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
8.7. To exercise the right of withdrawal from services, the User must notify IDNI AG by means of a clear statement in written form (including, but not limited to a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail or the attached standard withdrawal form). It is sufficient for the User to send the notification of exercise of his right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period. The User bears the risk of proof that the declaration of withdrawal was sent in time.
8.8. In case of withdrawal from these Services both parties must reverse their respective consideration, which has been given to conclude the services including interest. Reasonable fees and charges for a User’s account onboarding (once such service is provided), identification, verification and other screening procedures or other services already (partially) rendered or provided, may be charged.
8.9. Conclusion of contract takes place after acceptance of these Terms by both parties and providing a link to a permanently printable copy of the accepted Terms by IDNI AG to the User via their previously disclosed email address or otherwise through any service.
9.1. We always strive to ensure that our services are available without interruptions and that transmissions are error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Also, your access to our services may occasionally be interrupted or limited to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of any such temporary interruption or restriction.
9.2. Liability for slight negligence is excluded vis-à-vis consumers (B2C).
9.3. Liability for negligence is excluded vis-à-vis business or commercial users (B2B). Our liability for damages for which we are responsible is limited to the amount you have paid to us for provision of any services or content. Within the framework of the provision of services with individual partial or sub-services provided by commissioned third parties, who are neither employees nor shareholders acting in any other capacity, insofar as they were commissioned by us without your consent, we are only liable in the event of fault in their selection. Our liability is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.
9.4. Insofar as IDNI AG’s liability is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and vicarious agents.
9.5. We provide services, content, incl. software, on an ‘as is’ basis, i.e., we do not make any commitments on their reliability, availability or ability they to meet your exact needs and expectations.
9.6. To the extent permitted by law in any jurisdiction, we exclude all warranties.
9.7. We and our contractors, when permitted by law, will not be responsible for lost profits, revenues, data, financial losses or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages from the use of our website content and software.
9.8. For you as a consumer within the meaning of the Liechtenstein Consumer Protection Act (KSchG), all claims, but not warranty claims, against us shall expire if they are not asserted by you in court within one year from the time at which you became aware of the damage and the person causing the damage or of the event otherwise giving rise to the claim, but at the latest after the expiry of five years after the conduct causing the damage (giving rise to the claim) (breach).
9.9. Unless a shorter limitation or preclusive period applies by law, all claims against us shall be forfeited for you as a business or commercial user within the meaning of the KSchG (Consumer Protection Act) if they are not asserted by you in court within six months from the time at which you became aware of the damage and the person causing the damage or of the event otherwise giving rise to the claim, but at the latest after the expiry of five years after the conduct (breach) causing the damage (giving rise to the claim).
9.10. If you are using the website for a personal purpose, then nothing in these terms or any additional terms limits any consumer legal rights which may not be waived by contract.
9.11. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you, as an business or commercial user, agree to defend, indemnify, reimburse, compensate and hold harmless IDNI AG, and its past, present and future employees, officers, directors, contractors, service providers, suppliers, vendors, consultants, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives, successors and assigns from and against any and all lawsuits, actions, proceedings, investigations, liability, claims, demands, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including legal and attorney’s fees) due to or arising out of or related to your or your employees’ or agents’ (or, where a third party otherwise acts on your behalf with your permission, that third party’s) actions and/or inactions, your breach or violation of these Terms or breach of any law or regulations or decisions of authorities, breach of the rights of a third party, your use of or conduct in connection with any services, our infrastructure, our Websites, our software and our systems (including any networks and servers used to provide any of any services) operated by us or on our behalf.
9.12. You represent and warrant to us that: (a) you are eligible to register and use our services and have the right, power, and ability to enter into and perform these Terms and grant the rights and authorizations under these Terms; (b) the name identified by you when you registered is your name and you are opening an account on your behalf and not to the benefit of any third party (once such service is provided) (c) you and all actions set by you will comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to your country of residence and/or your business, including any applicable tax laws and regulations; (d) you will not use our services, directly or indirectly, for any fraudulent undertaking or in any manner so as to interfere with the use of the services; (e) you and the financial institution(s), of which you are a customer of, are not subject to sanctions or otherwise designated on any list of prohibited or restricted parties or owned or controlled by such a party, including but not limited to the lists maintained by the United Nations Security Council, the US Government (e.g., the US Department of Treasury’s Specially Designated Nationals list and Foreign Sanctions Evaders list and the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List), the European Union or its member states, or other governmental authority; and (f) you will not directly or indirectly export, re-export, transmit, or cause to be exported, re-exported or transmitted, any software or technology to any country, individual, corporation, organization, or entity to which such export, re-export, or transmission is restricted or prohibited, including any country, individual, corporation, organization, or entity under sanctions or embargoes administered by the United Nations, US Departments of State, Treasury or Commerce, the European Union, or any other governmental authority.
10.1. We may modify these Terms or any additional Terms that apply to a service or account to, for example, reflect changes to the law or changes to our services, policies and rules. You should look at the Terms regularly. We’ll post notice of modifications to these Terms on this page. We’ll post notice of modified additional Terms in the applicable case. Changes will not apply retroactively and will become effective no sooner than fourteen days after they are posted. However, changes addressing new functions or services, or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. If you do not agree to the modified Terms, you should discontinue your use immediately. If there is a conflict between these Terms and the additional Terms, the additional Terms will control for that conflict.
10.2. These Terms control the relationship between IDNI and you. They do not create any third-party beneficiary rights
10.3. If you do not comply with these terms, and we don’t take action right away, this doesn’t mean that we are giving up any rights that we may have and taking action in the future (non-waiver).
10.4. These Terms contain the entire agreement and supersede all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and any other agreement you may have with IDNI AG, these Terms will prevail unless the other agreement specifically identifies these Terms and declares that the other agreement supersedes or amends these Terms. Any amendment of the Agreement, including this clause, requires the written form.
10.5. The invalidity of individual provisions of these Terms or of the contractual relationships regulated hereby shall not affect the validity of the remaining agreements. The contracting parties undertake to replace invalid or unenforceable provisions with a provision that comes as close as possible to the economic result of the invalid or unenforceable provision.
10.6. If any part of These Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of these Terms will remain in full force and effect and, upon our request, the court will construe any invalid or unenforceable portions in a manner that most closely reflects the effect and intent of the original language. If such construction is not possible, the provision will be severed from these Terms and the rest of these Terms remains in full force and effect.
10.7. These Terms and your use of the Website and our Services are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Principality of Liechtenstein, without regard to its conflict of law principles or the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), which would cause the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction, unless mandatory provisions for the protection of consumers of the law of another country contradict this.
10.8. The Courts of Liechtenstein have exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes resulting out of or in relation to this Agreement and its enforcement, unless mandatory provisions for the protection of consumers of the law of another country contradict this.
10.9. You acknowledge that any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms is personal to you and IDNI AG and that any dispute will be resolved solely through individual litigation and will not be brought as a class litigation, class action or any other type of representative proceeding.
For information about how to contact IDNI, please visit our Contact page. Notices to us made in connection with this these Terms must be sent via our Contact page or be sent to our registered office.
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Copyright © 2025 – IDNI. All rights reserved.