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TML is a variant of Datalog. It has a BDD (Binary Decision Diagram) backend and by that, the data is always kept in a compressed form, allowing certain programs to run much faster in comparison to explicit data representation. In some cases, TML allows working over data so big that cannot possibly fit ordinary memory if encoded explicitly.
TML features uncommon optimizations by an implementation of conjunctive query containment algorithms that are not commonly implemented elsewhere. Further, it enhances Datalog in several ways: it allows full first-order logic queries, as well as negation and deletion under the partial fixed-point semantics. It can be used as a generic engine for queries and logical tasks, but its main use case is to be a generic compiler-compiler. To this end, it is coupled with a powerful context-free grammar parser that emits the full parse forest, and then this forest can be modified using TML rules in order to achieve a document in the target language.
TML can be used as an engine for logical reasoning tasks and has a powerful Context-Free Grammar Parser.
It builds on the seemingly best performing query containment implementation, including in the presence of negation.
Vastly outperforming all other Datalogs on certain data forms, whilst being able to handle certain very large datasets that don’t fit computers using the ordinary engines
One party can compute a database query and send the result together with a cryptographic proof of correctness that the receiving party can verify within computational cost much lower than the one of recomputing.
Allows reuse of results even among seemingly completely unrelated computations. In some sense, TML ‘learns from experience’ and by that runs faster and faster over time, even if the tasks are completely different.
TML enables users to define translators that connect languages in a way that retains original meaning. This allows for seamless communication and semantic translation between: programming languages, knowledge representation languages, visualization and organization formats, domain-specific languages, and more.
As the group of languages that users define translators to increases in size, each new added language will automatically gain interoperability with every language within the group. As support for more and more languages expands, Tau Net will become more accessible to a wider user base.
TML will support Second Order Logic making TML more user-convenient while giving it capabilities beyond all current databases.
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