
Ohad Asor

Tau Language Low Level Summary

The Tau language is a language extension of other classical logics (the “base logics”) intended to be a logic whose formulas denote software specifications. A formula specifies a program having at each point of time inputs, outputs, and internal states (memory), which…

Agoras and the Economics of Knowledge

In our current world one can rarely monetize their knowledge in a direct manner. We almost never buy or sell (or price) a single piece of knowledge. Seeking knowledge in an economical setting is currently mostly done by appealing to…

Consensus and Options

In this post we won’t get into an overview of Tau and Agoras as we did in the last three posts, but we’ll dive into two specific parts of each: Tau’s governance model, and Agoras derivatives market. As promised in…

The Art of Self-Reference

This post, like the previous two, comes to shed light on the same subjects. The post “The New Tau” went bottom up from TML to Agoras and focused on scaling discussions. The post “From Agoras to TML” went the other…

From Agoras to TML

In the last blogpost we went through our five stages in chronological and conceptually bottom-up order, language, knowledge, discussion, collaboration, change, and knowledge market. The first five steps are about creation of a knowledge society, and from there we can…

The New Tau

We are interested in a process in which a small or very large group of people repeatedly reach and follow agreements. We refer to such processes as Social Choice. We identify five aspects arising from them, language, knowledge, discussion, collaboration,…

Tau and the Crisis of Truth

We live in a world in which no one knows the law. Except trivial cases, you cannot know what is legal and what is not, all you can do is try and see what is the judge’s or policeman’s opinion…

Project Roadmap

Beginning with some recap: Tau My Life: A Memoir is a language. It is a programming language, but not only such. It may express virtually any arbitrary knowledge, rules, and processes. Examples are contracts, mathematical proofs, scientific facts and arguments,…

Tau as a Generalized Blockchain

Bitcoin may abstractly be described as a decentralized machine that appends new data (transactions) to a public shared database (ledger) given certain proofs (signatures). One immediately asks, what if we take the Blockchain algorithm and allow arbitrary data with multiple…

Proof of Code Execution

Putting it altogether, code is rules and queries, while the compiler (being essentially an autoprover) follows the rules and their consequences and outputs answers (while performing any side-effects). This is a closed loop, the code is retrieved from tau-chain upon…